Howdy, there!


Welcome to my website.

The Internet is vastly different from how it was 10 years ago and is rapidly changing. I remember starting to blog about 15 years ago with no real purpose, but frankly most content on the Internet has no real purpose either. Over time, we've seen the proliferation of media which lets people express themselves more concisely. However, this has led to the explosion of information thereby worsening the signal to noise ratio largely on the Internet. There's definitely no dearth of information but a prudent reader would do the due diligence to ensure that the information consumed is useful to them. I intend to use this space to introduce myself and also make a case of why this blog might or might not be useful to you, the reader.

I'm Srinath, and I am a programmer by trade. In addition to solving problems with Computers, I also dabble with Music, mostly Indian Music and I'm a trained Indian classical vocalist. I'm always on the lookout for improving myself to make myself a better human. I love good humor too and I've played a small part in acting in a couple of humor dramas with a bunch of friends in the bay area.

I don't consider myself too political although I despise bigotry and in general inequity. I believe fairness is hard to achieve in the world but so are many other things. That said, it's incredibly foolish to give up deeming it impossible. I value transparency and always strive to learn more about the world around me and be more tolerant to everyone around me. I deeply believe that you can have differing opinions and still be respectful of a fellow human.

So if you're interested in anything in the above blob of mess, do follow me. Conversely, you can reach out to me through the many links on this page.